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Sitelutions FAQ
Welcome to the Sitelutions FAQ. Here we've posted a few of the most frequently asked questions. We try to keep this updated. If you have a question that's not posted here and here not addressed on our main help page, please contact us.
Note that this FAQ is not intended to answer very specific technical questions, for that, we provide several how-to tutorials on our main help page and live & e-mail support. In the near future, we'll also have a user support forum setup.
General Questions Domain Name Registration Questions
DNS & Redirection Questions
Web Hosting Questions
Payment Questions
Business Development Questions
General Questions | Is Sitelutions Free? [top]
As of October 2014 Sitelutions no longers offers free static and dynamic DNS. For Sitelutions Insider's Club Members and for all domains registered with Sitelutions we offer high-quality Domain Name Registration, Web Hosting, and E-Mail services.
How can you offer so much for free? [top]
We want to provide the best possible service to you and offer the widest array of free features. We hope that by doing so, we'll maintain our loyal user base and encourage existing users to utilize our fee-based services, such as Domain Name Registration and Web Hosting. We also hope that you'll help us out by referring users to us.
How reliable is Sitelutions? [top]
Sitelutions is a completely redundant system. Our main web site, DNS, and Redirection features are designed with no single point of failure. We maintain several servers, each with redundant connectivity in diverse geographic locations. By doing so, we can ensure near-100% uptime for your site.
I see that you offer free subdomains on many non-US top-level domain names, where are you located? [top]
We are proud to be a US company. We are headquartered in Florida, but we currently have servers and cloud resources located in Washington DC Metro Area, Los Angeles, CA, San Jose, CA, Dallas, TX, New York City, NY, and Canada. We are always expanding our
To cater toward many of our international users, we own several domain names in other countries. We offer free subdomains of these names to our users.
Wow, you actually donate profits to charities? [top]
That's right -- we've donated 10% of our yearly profits to various charities selected by our users! We're the first company of our kind to make such a bold move. We hope others will follow in our footsteps.
Domain Name Registration Questions | Is Sitelutions a true domain name registrar? How does Sitelutions differ from Network Solutions? [top]
Yes, Sitelutions is a true top-level registrar. We partner with one of the best ICANN-accredited registrars around -- eNom.com. This allows us to offer high-quality domain name registration services at a very economical price. Unlike many other discount registrars which often have to manually re-submit your order to a "real" registrar, Sitelutions maintains direct connectivity to eNom and thus, instant access to the centralized InterNIC database. We register domain names in real time, and domains registered one day are typically setup and working the next day.
Why should I register my name with you instead of another registrar? [top]
Well, as we stated in our answer to the previous question, our prices are much lower than other registrars. In addition to lower prices, we offer you FREE, redundant DNS services with every domain name registered and free Domain Forwarding (redirection). We also offer a free registration lock features, preventing unauthorized parties from transferring your domain name to another registrar, modifying your domain name, or stealing your domain from you!
Why is Sitelutions so much cheaper than other registrars? Is there some catch? [top]
Nope, no catch -- just quality services at a low price. Sitelutions doesn't believe in useless, high overhead costs -- you won't find our employees driving luxury "company cars" (actually, you won't find them driving company cars at all) or lounging around in fancy leather chairs -- you'll just find us working hard to bring you quality services at a low price.
Can I transfer my domain name to Sitelutions from another registrar? [top]
Absolutely -- we allow you to transfer .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .us, and .cc domains to our registrar from your previous registrar.
We charge you the same cost of a one-year registration (though we typically run specials and charge even less for transfers). On top of that,
we'll extend your current registration by an entire year, so you don't lose out on anything by transferring a domain name to us.
Sitelutions offers an "Add Domain" option which seems to be free. Does this register a domain name? [top]
Nope, sorry, no free ride. If you do not wish to transfer your domain name to our registrar, we allow you to add domain names that are registered somewhere else.
Why would you do this? Well, to use our free DNS and Redirection services with your existing domain names, of course. Be sure to change your nameserver settings with your
current registrar though -- you must do this in order for everything to work (we including information on this on the "Add Domain" interface). Better yet, transfer the domain name to
Sitelutions, you'll get a better price than what your current registrar is offering, and you'll get to manage all of your domain names under our easy-to-use interface.
DNS & Redirection Questions | What is DNS? [top]
Please see our Glossary Definition
Why should I use your DNS services? [top]
Well, as you may know (if you clicked on the above glossary link), DNS is required for all
domain names to "work" -- resolve to an IP address and go to your site. The reliability of your
site is as strong as the weakest link. In some cases, DNS is the weakest link. Our DNS services are far more
reliable than most ISPs and web hosting providers who often use a single server in a single location to service all
of their DNS needs. We maintain several different servers, each on separate, redundant internet connections in separate
geographic locations. This ensures near-100% uptime. Also, our interface gives you direct access to easily edit your
DNS settings on the web. This is far easier and more convenient than what most ISPs offer.
What is Dynamic DNS? How is your Dynamic DNS Service superior to others? [top]
Please see our Glossary Definition for an explanation of Dynamic DNS. Our
Dynamic DNS services are superior to most other Dynamic DNS providers? Why? Our service is compatible with a wide-range of DNS update clients,
and we make it extremely easy for you to develop your own client if you wish to. Also, DNS updates propogate instantly (no waiting) to all of
our global DNS servers. This keeps your information up-to-date and gives your site maximum uptime.
What is Sitelutions Redirection, how does it work? [top]
Please see our Glossary Definition for an explanation of URL Redirection. Our
redirection service, like our DNS service, is internationally redundant. This means that if one of our redirection nodes goes down,
another takes it's place, ensuring maximum uptime for your site.
Web Hosting Questions | What is Sitelutions SpaceTM? [top]
Sitelutions SpaceTM is our own solution to quality Web Hosting. We use a customized
version of CPanel, a well known and industry-renowned hosting control panel in conjunction with our DNS features. In doing
so, we offer you one of the easiest-to-use, most full-featured hosting platforms around today. Our hosting packages include
the ability to control your own DNS, put up multiple sites under one hosting account, host databases, shopping carts, and full
e-commerce sites, guestbooks, chat rooms, user forums, and many other interfactive features. Our hosting also includes web-based e-mail
and POP and IMAP functionality. No one else comes close!
Can I host illegal materials, pirated software, send SPAM, and do other bad stuff with a Sitelutions SpaceTM account? [top]
No! We are very much against SPAM, so don't try it. If you do, your account will probably be terminated immediately with no refund. If you have a question about what types of materials
you may or may not host with us, please contact us.
What's so great about Sitelutions SpaceTM? How does it differ from other web hosting providers? [top]
As stated in our answer to the first question in this section, it's simply a matter of quality and quanity. Sitelutions offers
higher-quality services than most hosting providers and much better functionality. This functionality includes the ability to control your site's DNS yourself, without having to e-mail
anyone or submit a support ticket. In addition, you'll be able to run your own interactive site using our included programming technologies such as Perl and PHP. Don't forget about the ability
to create your own web-accessible databases using MySQL. Our e-mail features cannot be rivaled -- we offer multiple e-mail accounts under each package, configurable e-mail forwards,
auto-responders, mail blocking, and SPAMAssassin to help clean up your inbox. In addition, we offer web-based mail and POP and IMAP accounts included with each hosting account.
What is a Sitelutions SpaceTM mail-only account? [top]
Certain users may wish to only utilize our mail services and not our Web Hosting features. This is perfectly fine with us! We offer high-quality mail-only accounts.
These accounts enable you to take control of mail sent to your domains and subdomains. You'll have the ability to route mail to one of your POP3/IMAP mail accounts (accessible via WebMail),
forward mail to other users on the web, set up autoresponders, and set up mailing lists!
Do you offer server colocation, dedicated servers, or cloud hosting? [top]
Yes, we provide managed, dedicated hosting and e-mail servers. Please e-mail us at sales AT sitelutions DOT com. We also provide colocation services -- from single racks to full cages.
Payment Questions | What forms of payment do you accept? [top]
We accept MasterCard, VISA, and American Express payments. In the near future we might accept Discover Card,
so please contact us if you wish to pay with your Discover card. We securely accept payments directly, and at this
time we do not accept payment via PayPal.
Is it safe to pay you by credit card online? [top]
It's actually much safer than using your credit card at a restaurant, supermarket, or when ordering from a mail order catalog.
We utilize 128-bit SSL, an industry standard, to encrypt communications between your computer and ours. Once we
receive your card information, we use 2048-bit strong encryption to make sure the information stays safe and secure. Even if
our web server or database server were somehow compromised, there's no way anyone could get your card information.
Please read more about our security practices.
How do renewals work? Will you automatically bill me? [top]
While you may cancel at any time, we automatically re-bill you for Sitelutions SpaceTM accounts and domain names when
your existing subscription renews. If you pay for a monthly hosting plan, we will charge your card once initially and then again
every following month. If you order a six-month hosting plan, we will re-bill your card every six months. Similarly, we automatically renew
domain names at the time of expiration using your credit card on file. You may disable automatic renewals by editing your renewal preferences
for the appropriate item.
Business Development Questions | Do you offer an affiliate or reseller program? [top]
As of now, we do not offer either, however our software architecture provides us with an easy way to do so in the near future.
We do plan on eventually offering an affiliate program, but have no set date on when it will be available. Please check back with us frequently or contact us for more information.
I run a similar business and would love to offer an all-in-one solution like you. Is your software available for purchase? [top]
While our software is currently not available for purchase, we urge you to contact us if you wish to discuss potential business synergies. In the future, we plan to offer a reseller program which allows you a co-branded version of our site, offering you all of our features under your company name. Please contact us if you have an interest in this.
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